Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I took a week off. First, I was just purely busy. We had several things going on at work and our youth soccer league was having its season kickoff on Saturday 3/31. Then there wasn’t a whole lot of news regarding the recipient so I really didn’t have much to post or the time to do it.

What has changed?

Not much.

But some news is that the recipient was able to get his PA drivers license. He went in the week before is birthday and the state office was on a multi day holiday. There was a sign on the door saying something to the effect of Monday being a holiday so we will take half of Thursday off and throw Friday in there too. For those of you wanting to come Saturday, we decided to take that day off as well.

PA State Commonwealth employees, sheesh.

While it’s significantly more important than my laziness, April is National Donate Life Month. A little more than a week ago, I was gearing up for this month, trying to get some momentum going for April. (The month, not the person). So I emailed one of the local organizations that work directly with organ donation. I have had emails in the past with them and thought I would begin another dialogue. Well, I got the cold shoulder. I had asked what was being done to push the message of organ donation this month and (me, being “me”) I questioned a fact on their web site.

Maybe my questioning the accuracy of their site was what got me blackballed. I was at least hoping for a “here’s a list of our events” reply. Nope. They were suppose to send me some trinkets so I could use them to give to people I was talking to during the course of my own organ donation awareness project. Perhaps they see my lack of results and decided I wasn’t worthy of their trinkets.

Whatever. I feel that I am unworthy too. That’s a pretty crappy way to come to an agreement.

It’s kind of funny. Some of the people I have talked to about organ donation and one that is actually in the project, never come to the site. Hmm.

MSNBC has a good article about the current state of national organ donation.

I sent a letter, a real paper letter, to the White House last week, attention to Press Secretary Tony Snow. I am sure it will be piled with the other 3,000 fan letters he gets. But I wished him well in his current battle with cancer and I also challenged him to use this as a platform for organ donation. Why him? Why not! His cancer has spread to his liver and I thought I could use that as a lead in. While I would never expect a call or reply from Mr. Snow, I have always been one to leave a glimmer, a thread, a distant light, of hope available.

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